Free shipping on all orders over $300 for USA,
CANADA, EU, ASIA countries
All the goods from are designed and produced by rd brand.

  • *All the goods from are designed and produced by RD Brand and we do not sell any of goods, label, and tags are against to the trademarks law.
  • - Returns policy
  • Please read our return policy carefully to ensure you can proceed with your request as quick as possible. All returns should be sent back to us in their original packaging provided. If you want to get a refund, please send us your order number by email. Unsuitable items must be returned within 14 days after you received. If you would like to exchange one item for another, you must first return the original item and then place a new order. You will be refunded for the original item in accordance with our usual returns policy. You can also receive your refund as a REONDISTRICT.COM credit, which will enable you to purchase a replacement item quickly and seamlessly. The item(s) should be returned unworn and in perfect condition, with all REONDISTRICT.COM and tags still attached. Returns that are damaged, soiled or returned without their original labels may not be accepted and may be sent back to the customer. Before your parcel leaves our warehouse, it is fully checked and controlled by our packing team. If you receive an item which is damaged, please contact Customer Care Email: immediately. If your item is faulty (i.e. received damaged or manufacturing fault), we can offer alternatives such as repair or exchanges. For more information, please contact our Customer Care team.
  • ※ Return shipping cost is paid by the customer regardless of the order amount.

    ※When returning after order more than $300
    Return shipping cost is paid by the customer and you will receive a refund except the free shipping cost for ordering over $300 or more

    ※When returning after we've shipped out your order in two packages
    1.Order amount over $300 after partial return
    Return shipping cost is paid by the customer and you will receive a refund except the free shipping cost for a package

    2.Order amount below $300 after partial return
    Return shipping cost is paid by the customer and you will receive a refund except the free shipping cost for two packages
  • - My order was cancelled. When will I receive a refund?
  • If a cancellation is made before the order is processed, we will refund you through your original payment method, depending on whether we already took payment from your account or not. If you paid by debit card or PayPal, payment will usually be taken immediately. If you cancel your order before it is processed, we will refund you through your original payment method. If you paid by credit card, payment will usually be taken once your order is approved and ready for shipping. Please be aware that your bank or card issuer may reserve the money, meaning that you can't use it for a short period. If you cancel your order before it is processed, we will simply cancel the transaction and there will be no need to process a refund.
  • - When will my refund or cancellation value be in my account to spend again?
  • We aim to process refunds and cancellations as swiftly as possible, and will keep you up to date by e-mail. Please be aware that payments can take up to 14 working days to process depending on your bank or payment provider.
  • - Will custom duties, sales tax or VAT be refunded on a return?
  • All customers will be refunded the cost of your order including any VAT or sales tax that were applicable at the time of your purchase, but excluding the original shopping cost and any import duties incurred to receive your order. You may be able to recover import duties for returned items by contacting your local customs bureau directly.
  • - Can I exchange my item?
  • If you would like to exchange an item, you will need to return the original item and place a new order. You will receive a full refund for the returned item according to our returns policy.